Saturday 25 February 2012

天使之音-短宣隊員的分享 - Eva

這是我第二次參加台灣短宣 在這兩次的短宣都有很好的操練與學習 在團隊事奉中學習如何合一如何放下老我 也在探訪的家庭中看到自己的富足和別人的需要與欠缺 學習如何適時的開口向人傳講如何經歷 神的恩典及自己生命改變的歷程 也學習和不同的教會同工一起同心合意配搭 學習順服放下自己 在這次的短宣我更經歷到我們 神的同在 神的眷顧與保守 和大家分享這樣經歷

12月22日我們被安排和高雄生命樹台福教會一起配搭服事 生命樹是一家服務外勞的教會 所有會有中有很多的外籍新娘及外籍勞工 所以他們的牧師是一位美國籍的洋人牧師叫 Pastor Allan 這一天我們說好要到楠梓區的榮民安養院為五、六十位的長輩一起作服事 當時安養院也要求我們要準時開始也要在一定的時間內要結束 (因為長輩需要休息)當時我也和Pastor Allan的師母說好整個流程除了前面的開場由生命樹後面都交給短宣隊 那天早上我們從住的地方搭捷運來到了楠梓區 由Allan牧師開著借來的箱型車來接我們八個人

到安養院 到達時時間已剩下不多了 我最後一個下車 隊員都站在車旁等我 我繞到後行李箱拿裝著我們所有道具的行李袋 這同時Allan 牧師一手扶著後行李蓋等待我把行李袋拿走 我一邊拿還一邊向他道謝 當我背起行李袋走向其他人 突然聽到匡的一聲 有東西重重地打中我的後腦勺 感覺好像西瓜被擘成兩半 我無法形容當時自己還來不及反應發生什麼事的表情但依舊可以看到其他隊員全部睜大眼睛 張開口個個驚訝的表情 我開始眼淚鼻涕流了下來

我的頭應該如卡通圖畫般冒金星吧 抱著頭喊著痛啊主啊痛啊 隊員都快步走向我關心我的狀況 看看有沒有出血 我自己也搞不清楚為什麼牧師會用行李箱蓋敲我的頭? 就在大家還驚慌失措 有人來催了說節目還有十分鐘就要開始了

大家問: Eva你可以嗎? 我也不知道我到底可不可以? 有沒有腦震盪? ( 根據我們的醫生哈哈告訴我 如果我八小時內有嘔吐 就要緊急去醫院了) 剩下這幾分鐘要決定我們到底要不要繼續還是拖一下時間? 我心中禱告 神 我們的隊員也圍著我一起禱告 我說: “ 主啊 這事工可是為了要榮耀祢為要宣揚祢的名 祢若歡喜我作就醫治我 眷顧我 別讓我出問題 短宣還沒結束還有三天ㄚ 主啊求祢指引我如何決定” 又有人催了 猜我說什麼? “ OK 照計劃進行 唱詩歌 作見證 表演 我來帶動跳”

感謝 神的恩點從頭到尾都沒有出槌 沒有嘔吐 甚至做了非常好的結束 事後我們探討這件事時 隊員都說 “ 當時車後蓋打在我頭上時 他們聽到的是好清脆又好響的鋼盔聲 他們都嚇一跳”Eva的頭是鋼盔作的弟兄姐妹鋼盔聲 是不是如以弗所書第六章11:要穿戴 神所賜的全副軍裝 就能抵擋魔鬼的詭計 戴上救恩的頭盔 拿著聖靈的寶劍

到底被敲有多痛? 家裡若有車可以試試看 你們想準備蓋行李蓋的力量會有多大呢? 我們的隊員因為親眼目睹這一幕造成對車子行李蓋產生恐懼症包括我自己 總會不斷提醒人不要敲我的頭喔
我知道若不是 神一路看顧 我們什麼都不能做 若是我們做的平順 我們要將這樣的榮耀歸給 神 阿門!


耶和華也必時常引導你 在乾旱之地使你心滿意足 骨頭強壯 你必像澆灌的園子 又像水流不絕的泉源

Monday 20 February 2012

天使之音-短宣隊員的分享 - Vivienne

A lot of you may know, I'm not a member of EFC so its been such a privilege to be able to join in this mission trip. I've made friends, experienced a lot things and learnt so much about God and myself during this time. Actually God taught me a lesson even before the mission started while I was still here in Sydney. At the end of last year I was busy in the process of job hunting and I really wanted to secure a suitable job before the year ended so that I wouldn't have to worry about having to start job hunting and preparing for interview again when I return from Taiwan. I wanted this assurance before I commit myself to the mission trip. However time passed and I still hadn't found a suitable job and needed to decide whether to join the mission.

That was when I decided to write down a list of reasons why I wanted to go on this mission, and another list for why finding that job was so important to me. And I was convicted after some time of struggle that I needed to seek first the kingdom of God and that what I wanted out of this mission would grow me and help me to know God more. That was when I decided to go on the mission.

One week after I made this decision, God did provide me with a very good job offer; as the company wanted me to start a few weeks after the mission ends without me having to request for it, so I was able to go on mission, spend time with family and come back in time to start the new job. So I'm really thankful for the way God looks after the different areas of my life and how He provides a way when I trust in Him.

A lot happened in those 17 days of mission in Taiwan. In short, the trip was amazing! We've been amazed at what God has been doing in Taiwan and the people He is raising up in the nation to proclaim Him as Lord. We've been encouraged to see how God had already gone ahead of us in our mission trip, to prepared the hearts of those who we would meet. We got to see people hearing the Gospel for the first time and others receiving Jesus as their personal Saviour. We also got to witness our God working in the lives of the Taiwanese and saw how He never forgets His children, and how He is near to the brokenhearted and the lonely. I recall during a home visitation, after a lady received Jesus as her personal Saviour, she was obviously overwhelmed with God's love as she exclaimed "I am not worthy of this...I do not deserve this!" It is indeed God's love and grace that change lives and His Gospel which save souls.

While there are so many stories to share with you about what God's been doing in Taiwan, I thought I would share 2 personal things I've learnt about myself...and more importantly about God during the trip.

One of the home visitations particularly stood out to me. There was this elderly lady who spends all her time looking after her husband 24/7. He became paralysed after an unsuccessful brain surgery years ago which left him unable to move and communicate. He needed constant care at all times and she has to move his body throughout the day to prevent him getting body ulcers/sores. However this lady herself was having some health issues as well. She goes for kidney dialysis 3 times a week and just found out she had breast cancer. She is also in need of knee replacement soon. They have one son who used to be a doctor but due to some mental breakdown he now spends all his time in his room. They live in this tiny little modest apartment.

Yet despite her lack of material comfort and tough circumstances, we saw that she is able to find joy and strength in God alone. In the apparent emptiness of her house, she allowed Christ to be the one to fill her heart with content instead. That spoke to me very loudly as I live a very comfortable lifestyle filled with so much blessings from God which I am so thankful about, but a lot of times in my life I find it so hard to separate Him from what He gives. I seem to seek His blessings more than I am seeking Him, as much as I find it hard to admit. And I realised that the more I seek and find comfort in what is His (or comes from Him) – the earth and all its fullness, His blessings, His gifts, even His comfort and less I will seek and treasure Him. I learnt that even though what He gives is always a reflection of Who He is but they are not equal. His gifts and blessings are not always required to prove to me Who He is. Even though we were supposed to go and encourage this lady, there is no doubt I was the one more encouraged by her. And I have been reminded that our biggest blessing is found in the person of Christ. To know Him and more of Him and all we can of Him.

Another thing I learnt was that when God is seeking a person, He will not allow my fear or lack of knowledge/experience prevent that person from finding Him. During the mission, we’ve had the opportunity to speak to a large crowd of uni students. I got to strike up a conversation with a rather reserved girl at the corner. I really struggled in my conversation with her as I could just not figure out how or when to start sharing my faith and testimony with her during our conversation. I remember thinking in my head "She's just listening to me out of politeness coz she's too nice, maybe should've picked someone else to talk to instead!" After my rather unnatural/clumsy sharing, I felt she didn't respond to me well and things couldn’t be anymore awkward. After I left, I was sure that I'd never see her again and I shared to my fellow team mates saying how I felt she wasn't at all spiritually open to what I was saying and was probably listening to me out of politeness. The next morning, at the Sunday service, to my surprise, I saw her again as she stood up to be introduced during the new comers announcement session. I felt that God was teaching me that His view and my view on who is spiritually open or who will enter His kingdom is very different and that He is able to be glorified in all of my weaknesses.

And lastly, I just want to praise God for the unity and love in Christ in our team members. It was beautiful and encouraging to see how each of us played a part in the programs and did so with much passion and love. And we could do this because Christ has transformed each our lives personally.

I ask that if you could continue to pray for Taiwan - a country deeply rooted in its tradition and ancestoral and idol worship. And for those we met who were interested in knowing Jesus but not ready to commit their lives to Him. We trust that God's Word will not return empty. And pray for the Christians that we met that God will keep them strong in faith and they have my desire to share their faith with others.

天使之音-短宣隊員的分享 - 香遠






逐家佈道的效果比較好,回應也比較多。看到了一家又一家需要被拯救的靈魂,我覺得自己平日應該再多認識 神更深、更廣一點,才能應付各樣福音的需要。






短宣的時間短,作用也許不強,但至少我們把一段小小的時間完全擺上給 神給祂使用,雖然辛苦,那真是很美的事。

回想起這次的短宣,總是滿滿的感動。看到每一位隊員都盡力的把天父曾在我們身上所做的工,不論是榮美的,是眼涙是傷痕都坦露在需要的人面前,告訴那些不信的鄉親 神~是這樣帶我們走過來了,把你的生命交給天父你絕不落空。也許我們個性並不完美,恩賜也不一樣,有時看法也不相同。但有幸在這樣一個隊伍裏並肩作戰十多天,你不再是不冷不熱的了。


天使之音-短宣隊員的分享 - Helen

Before we took off for Taiwan, we all spent a lot of time and effort prepping for our testimonies, practicing the songs and even some really groovy dance moves that we will NEVER show you. Although dancing isn’t one of my favourite thing on the list, I said to myself, “All for the glory of God”.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…”. So…. yes, with God’s words imprinted on my heart, we started our 2 wks journey in Taiwan.

On our second last day, a few of us got up really early, waiting to be picked up by Pastor Alan and his wife to visit a gpa at a nursing home in PingDong, which is about an hr drive from Kaohsiung. During the ride, we quickly discussed among the 4 of us which songs we were gonna sing when we get there. Upon arrival, we saw a few status of the local gods in the garden and light musical chanting was playing in the background. As we entered, a familiar scene was laid before me - nursing station, medical charts and a strong smell of a mixture of medication, disinfectant and…. patients, bed ridden patients to be exact. We were greeted by a housing staff and soon enough, we were guided to a common room where patients wait for their scheduled visitation. Gpa has been bed ridden for the past 20 years. He has a feeding tube going down from his nose to his stomach for milk, and he has lost a lot of muscle support so he couldn’t sit up or even roll over by himself. He can’t talk, and we weren’t even sure whether his consciousness was alert or not. Immediately, Pastor Alan’s wife said with a trembling voice, “Gpa, Jesus loves you… and we love you, too”, she even raise her voice just so it won’t be so obvious. As we all gathered around his bed, singing songs that described that we are one family because of God, and how there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God that is from Christ Jesus…. We sang many many songs, then, all of a sudden, Pastor Alan’s wife started reading the Bible to gpa. Not just one or two verses, but chapters after chapters on the birth of Jesus, and then more reading from Psalm, praising God, and then more reading from another gospel book, declaring that God loves the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. To be honest, I was a bit impatient and almost got annoyed at the fact that she went on and on with the reading. I thought to myself, “Come on, we are here to cheer him up, make him feel comfortable and loved and perhaps he will eventually understand that this love comes from God. What is the use of reading long chapters of scripture filled with all sorts of weird foreign names and places, plus, with his level of consciousness, he probably won’t even recognize his daughters, let alone understands the scriptures”.

But then, I saw it… as Pastor Alan’s wife read about how Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save this sinful world through Him, including you and me. He brings forgiveness, and reconciliation so we may restore that beautiful relationship with our Father God. Gpa cried….. not just tears running down his cheek kinda crying, but sobbing, weeping, granting with regrets. At that moment, something struck me: I was in fact, ashamed of the gospel. I looked down on the power of His Word. I was blinded by my arrogance and ignorance. I tried to do what I thought was best for gpa. I tried to substitute His Word with charity acts. I tried so hard to wrap the gift box but forgot it is the gift itself that matters.

Leaving that nursing home, I couldn’t stop counting all the other times when I was ashamed of the gospel. It is in fact very easy to find excuses to not share the gospel, too easy that they usually slip our mind as “excuses”. How many times have I hold back from praying with and for a non-believing friend and offer them something else instead. How many times have I withdraw myself from sharing the gospel to with work mate or a family member when I was too afraid to damage the relationship. I eventually had to stop counting and return to God in repentance. His amazing love and power overwhelms us in unexpected ways as I have experienced during this mission trip to Taiwan, and I can’t wait for more.

The good news is, we don’t have to wait til the end of the year to experience and to be equipped to share the gospel, there are many organizations that host and run local missions, SHUM being one of them. Many of us may have heard about SHUM, which stands for Surry Hill Urban Mission. Can I have a show of hands of those who have participated in SHUM? Quite a few of us, let me briefly introduce SHUM.

SHUM has been running since the year 2000 and at present, a certified mission under Scripture Union NSW. The name suggests the location of its activity, Surry Hills area, which contains populations of homeless people, some below poverty families, shelters and brothels. In this environment the area can be like a spiritual vacuum. SHUM does not pretend to be a charity organization or a professional counselling service. It is there to provide what we believe is needed to change people’s lives – which is The Word of God. With or without SHUM, God is working in Surry Hills. The problem is for most people this goes unnoticed. SHUM tries to point people back to God and to the love Jesus showed them by dying on the cross.
The aim of SHUM is two-fold:

· As I mentioned, is to have fellowship and share the Gospel with the people of Surry Hill/ Central station, particularly the street people or the disadvantaged.
· To use the mission to encourage and educate Christian brothers and sisters to be prepared to evangelise more readily in their own lives, at home, at work, with friends and family.

What can you do to participate in SHUM?

Easy. For all who have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal God and saviour, come and join us, either by yourself, friends or fellowship groups. Every month is treated as a mission, which includes every Tuesday night and one Sunday morning where we join a Church service for marginalised people. If you decide to join, you must commit to one month. If you have never been to SHUM before, its crucial that you attend an information night, which is held every month.

So, let your light shine before others!!
local mission - SHUM 的網址如下:

天使之音-短宣隊員的分享 - Angela






· 仁雄教會




天使之音-短宣隊員的分享 - Hillary

2011年的短宣在主保留和兄姐們的代禱下順利完成。除了Wallace 和小雨還在紐西蘭未歸隊,其他六位隊員已在各行各業中忙碌了。





Good morning everyone,

Very thankful that I have this opportunity , here today, to share with you that , the most amazing Xmas I ever have - the missionary trip in Taiwan!

I finish the trip & left Taiwan on Xmas day, right after the Sunday services.... I quietly said good bye to each of our team mates as I just want to left without anyone notice, coz I know I can't handle the good bye scene or I will sure cry ! But end up, still everyone notice and said goodbye etc...... Which I was crying all the way out the church, down the lift & up the taxi!

The taxi driver was a bit shock that ask if am alright ....if I need police or help ! :) I share with him my unforgettable Taiwan journey.....I cry, not because sad , but too much , too much Joy! The whole missionary journey, open my eyes & mind & heart. I join the trip as I been experience God's love so much that I want to do something, not that God need me do anything as everything from him, but I just receive so much that I want to give! But , by the end of the trip, I found that I actually received even more.....too much , just like in the "Psalm 23, You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows" ! The moment when I left the church on Xmas day, I just feel the word "overflows" , my body , my mind , my heart can't take it anymore.... Too much love, I can just let my tears drop, let my happieness flow with the tears!!

It is such a great team, thank you for our team leader Eva & each of the team mates! I learn a lot from each of them, from their testimonies !! The 10 days in kuonghsui , we been busy....early morning singing in the park, working together with different church members to visit various family, poor family, family that members with cancer or sickness, family that husband had affairs & children not in a good relationship with dad & mum!!!!! We sing, we dance, we share our testimonies & we pray for each other.....

I share 2 cases here, there was one family that we visit them and because the husband is a very old man , and he like to listen to our during the visit, we been singing the song "God is Love " for over 10 times.....we just keep singing, keep singing...and he slow slowly follow....he start to sing with us... So to courage him, we just keep sing & sing & sing....and the great thing is, after the visit he start to go church with his wife ! Praise the lord that I have this chance to experience his work! I still remember deep that night, when I shower, sleep...even in my full of the music of this song "God Is Love"!!!! How beautiful...I wake up the next dsy with my mind full of god is love!

The other case is there was one night we join one of the church's prayer night, that day we all very tired already.... As we been start early the morning & traveling around & it been a long day. Specially i acidentially hurt my right leg on that day....So in the prayer night, I was just thinking about "oh God, please give me strength to continue,.... My leg hurts...but I don't want to tell anyone, oh god, help me, erase my pain..." just when I am thinking, the pastor actually ask all the participants in prayer night that everyone stand behind our missionary team mates, they all stand behind us, they all raise their hands behind us and just start to pray for us !

I don't know how to describe that feeling in words....when the praying, I can feel there is a strong power from my back push towards me...get inside me...I feel power....I feel I am alive again! It was Very very amazing experience, and the lady who stand behind me when she pray for me she just touch my leg and ask for god earse my pain.... And yes , I do recover really quick...also need to mention hsing yue give the magic pain killer sticker for my knees & haha bought me medicine to help me recover faster..thank you ladies!

This just 2 cases, There are many many other special experience in the whole summary...the trip was the best Xmas Gift in my life so far ! I am very thankful that I have this opportunities to join a great team & together , we experience - God!

Monday 26 December 2011







今天也是生命樹2011年在舊會址的最後熱鬧,他們已經買到會堂在裝修,就在舊會堂隔壁,新年就要搬過去了。晚會後,張師母還特地帶我們去參觀這個一百多坪,台幣一百多萬買下的新址。願 神大大祝福他們的服事。

