Wednesday 17 November 2010


A lot of chopping in the beginning

Tammy the chopper

more chopping

The chicken Maryland.... we had to buy more (15kg more) because we just didn't know how many these thighs are until we actually counted them

Amy looking very busy :P

The healthy stuff before chopped

香遠姐 thinking very hard for the Thank you card to all helpers

some deep fry action

Result of our beautiful vegie balls

Hans observing the deep frying and preparing to jump in

Eva & Tammy showing they are also very 賢慧

More chopping of chicken

more healthy stuff after chopped... 這些可是經過血淚的洗滌才有這麼美的便當阿

We were hoping to fill the box~~ with a dash of flower helps

Being Green we prepare box to recycle the used box, fork, chop stick

Hans gets to have a go at the fry vegie ball and did well (after burnt a couple)

no animal was harm during the process of our lunch box making (except aunt Eva who cut her finger)

Melanie looking on to lay a helping hand

Chloe to taste some love from aunt Eva

好吃 我還要

Hans抓vegie ball出師了!

嗷嗷待哺的孩子們 Irene 辛苦了



其實吳媽媽才是最厲害的vegie ball master

1 comment:

  1. You said.. "No animal was harmed... except Aunty Eva.." haha - what does that imply??

